Certain treatments provided during your session may involve the use of products or procedures in areas that are considered "off-label." This means that while the treatment may not be specifically approved by regulatory bodies for the exact area being treated, it has been used in this manner based on clinical experience and evidence supporting its safety and efficacy.
- Definition: Off-label use refers to the application of a treatment or product in a manner not specifically approved by regulatory agencies, such as the FDA. This can include using products in areas or for conditions not explicitly listed in the product’s official guidelines.
- Risks and Benefits: While off-label use can be effective and is often supported by clinical evidence and professional experience, it may carry risks or uncertainties not fully detailed in standard usage guidelines. We will provide you with information on the potential benefits and risks of the treatment and address any questions you may have.
- Informed Consent: By signing this consent form, you acknowledge that you have been informed about the off-label nature of certain treatments and agree to proceed with the understanding that these uses are based on professional judgment and experience.
If you have any concerns or questions about the treatments or their off-label use, please do not hesitate to discuss them with us before proceeding.